Ashdown Phillips & Partners
Hugh Stirling are the security and cleaning service provider for both the HUB in Glasgow and Semple Street in Edinburgh. Following our successful tender process in 2019 for the cleaning and security services at the HUB in Glasgow we have gone on to win the cleaning and janitorial services at 2 Semple Street, Edinburgh in April of 2022.
Our teams on sites consist of 4 cleaners with over 120 hours used collectively per week on the cleaning rotas and 2 Reception/Security personnel with 88 hours of cover used collectively per week on the security rotas. The team are responsible for the safety, security, cleaning, and hygiene standards in all common areas of the offices. Our window cleaners provide their glazing cleaning services on a fortnightly basis. The security and cleaning team is managed by our dedicated contract manager for the sites who conducts monthly audits at each location and attends regular SLA review meetings with both site managers.
Ashdown Philips demand the highest of standards across their portfolio and our success has been highlighted by the high monthly audit scores, continued and additional award of the provision of services and by the satisfied client at our review meetings.

Case Studies