In an iconic country estate set beneath the majestic Ochil Hills lies Gleneagles, one of Scotland's premier hotel, spa, and golf resorts. In June 2018, Hugh Stirling was appointed by the client and 3D Reid Architects to redevelop a ground floor wing of the hotel into a beautiful new space for functions and events.
Inspired by the original private members' clubs, Ochil House comprises five key spaces - The Drawing Room, The Pantry, The Broadcasting Room, The Assembly Room and The Study which were redeveloped over an 8-month period.
Each space has its own unique character and distinctive features, however, a common element throughout is our bespoke, ornate workshop manufactured joinery in places such as the bar, the pantry and wall panelling.
Ochil House at Gleneagles won the best event space at AHEAD Europe, the Awards for Hospitality Experience and Design.